
Monday, March 1, 2021


 What does this mean?

Living the dream!

We are always told to CHASE our dreams.  

When I think of CHASING YOUR DREAMS I always imagine a cartoon seen like Tom and Jerry.  Where Tom the cat is chasing Jerry the mouse and Jerry is forever a few steps out of Tom's reach.  Jerry has a grin on his face and making fun of Tom as something silly happens to Tom that is not for his good.  Jerry is always just out of reach and unattainable.

So this is how I see it when I hear people say "Chase your dreams".  To me it is like the dream is always going to be just out of reach.  You are so close, but oh so far.  And there seems to be excuses attached as to why the dream could not be cought.  "If only" this happened, or that happened or what ever.

WHAT IF we changed some wording?  


How would this change the outcome?

How do we live our dream when it is still a fantasy in our mind?

How can you LIVE YOUR DREAM when it seems so unattainable at this point in time?

Your Dreams are your dreams no one else's.  Only you know what it is that you truly want. 

Chasing things can be exhausting.  When you stop chasing and give yourself the opportunity to wait and breath you can see what is around you.  This gives you time to reflect and appreciate and give gratitude.  Most humans are not, by design meant to chase.  They are meant to wait.  By waiting, this does not mean do nothing.  See below what you can be doing while you are waiting.  Sometimes you need to be fully where you are at this point in time before the next step is available to you.  It is like stepping across a stream  where you hop from one rock to the next.  Between each step to the next rock you look around to see which rock is best for you to step onto next.  

Allow yourself or give yourself permission the time to daydream about your DREAM.  

Surround yourself with pictures, books and things to remind you of your DREAM

Learn a little bit everyday about your DREAM

Find mentors, coaches and people who will support you.  Ask questions of them and learn some of the skills that they learnt and put your uniqueness to it.  Mentors don't need to be people you know personally, they have qualities and skills that you can learn from.  What is it about them that you would like to incorporate to help you grow and Live Your Dream.

Be aware of who you tell.  Not everyone will be in your corner.  Be OK with that.  

Stay unattached to the outcome.  This can be tough, but when you trust and keep faith the outcome can be so much more then you imagined.  Sometimes it can be nothing like you imagined.  It can be better.  When you are trying to control the outcome it is hard to see what it is when you get there and often leads to disappointment.

Body awareness, notice how you feel in your body when you day dream, or talk about it?  Where are you feeling it in your body?  What emotions do you feel?  Once you start to be come aware of what is happening in your body you can use this like a compass.  Your body will let you know if what you are doing at any given time is taking you closer to your dream or moving you away from your dream.

Add to the end of your dream statement when you speak it, think it or write it, " This or something better for my highest good and all concerned."

And know that it is OK to change your mind about a particular dream.  It may not be for you right now or at all.  It may even be a stepping stone to something even better.  This is why it is important to stay unattached to the outcome.  As you grow and evolve your dreams will too.

The dream is not you.  It is only a small part of you.

Sunset and Sunrise are a great time of the to either daydream or reflect.

Here's to living your dream


Monday, June 17, 2019

Hibernating or Hiding

I have been Hibernating or hiding out.

As part of our cycle of life it is important to hibernate.  It helps us to appreciate how far we have come, to regenerate, rejuvenate, to put things back into perspective, to plan and get ready to take life's next steps.  I have been hibernating, the only thing is I forgot to come back out.  I have stayed hidden.

I stayed in hibernation because I didn't know how to come back out after I got scared and let my self talk and made up stories block me from taking my next steps.  There are so many things that need my attention in the process of my hiding out and calling it hibernation I procrastinated and then everything started piling up on top of me causing me to doubt myself even more and retreat even further.

The thing is I am aware of what I do.  Sometimes it might take a little while for me to catch on, but something will trigger me into awareness.  It is amazing how being aware can create options.  And when there are options there are possibilities.  So now that I have awareness of my hiding out I can make changes.  I have options I can call on.

So what are my options?
~ Stay where I am.  Go back into hiding.
~ Poke my head out of the cave and see what is out there and then retreat.
~ Get my plan that I have created and charge at things like a bull at a gate.
~ Take one step at a time and with each new step trust that the next step will present itself when I go to lift my foot to take that next step.

So my next step is to trust the next step.
It will be sharing what I am learning and living.
Finish my book.  "The Power of Living Simply"
Share my podcast - telling stories of my other passions - Quarter Horse Racing stories
Work my family cattle station and earthmoving businesses.
Host retreats and workshops here on our outback cattle station and where ever I am invited, even on the web.
Play with my horses.

I know it all sounds like a lot, but for me they are all entwined.  I know it won't be balanced all the time.  I would be kidding myself if I thought I could have it Balanced.  Sometimes it is going to be like a wild, rough seesaw ride and other times it is going to be a smooth up and down.  The thing about seesaws is they work best when they are moving up and down.

I would love for you to share your awareness of when you hibernate or hide and what happened when you came out to play.  Share below in the comments.

Many Blessing
Jody xxx

Monday, March 19, 2018

A reading from Big Miracles

Below is a reading from the book Big Miracles by Joanna Garzilli

What are your thoughts?

How can you live without EGO?

Have a fantastic day

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Hello...... Long time in posting

Wow it has been a very long time since I have posted here.

There has been so much go on for me and I can imagine that it is possibly the same for you too.

Early last year I started a Face Book group called YOUR AMAZING YOU..  It is a group to remind ourselves just how amazing we are.  I have up until recently just been sharing feel good stuff and quotes to inspire.

I then created a deck of cards and started posting photos of the cards and a little bit on their meaning.  Now I have braved up and started posting video of me and the cards and other insights I get.  The video posting started as part of a 90 day challenge I am doing called #bigmiracles.  One of my friends and mentor Joanna Garzilli is hosting this 90 challenge group and she is hosting a webinar every day for the 90 days.  So I challenged myself to

1. be more visible by posting 20 videos per 30 day block so 60 videos in total for the 90 days
2. complete the manuscript for my book I am writing
3. sell 100 packs or more of my Your Amazing You cards

If you would like to join in on the Big Miracle group follow this link  You can join in live at the same time every day which is 7am Queensland time or 2pm Pacific ST.  Or you can catch up and watch the replays from day 1 onwards.

So now I need writing practice and to share my book thoughts and my videos.  I will be doing this through this blog and Instagram and YouTube.  More practice at being visible.

I hope you enjoy my insights and I look forward to any feedback that will help me get a better message out to you.

Many Hoof Print Blessings

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Word Of The Year


That is my word for the year.  I have it up around the house to remind me of what I need to help me be the best person I can be. 

The last few years I and my family, friends and neighbours have been living with drought.  It has been a big part of our lives now for about the last 4 years.  Living, eating, breathing and talking about drought.  It is everywhere, on our cattle station, in our house, our finances, our appearances, our everyday conversations.  I am over it. 

So it is that I am going to need COURAGE to make the changes I need to shift my overindulged droughted mentality.

I am going to need COURAGE to create the life I am yet to dream about and fully embrace.  I am going to have to gift myself the opportunity to have the big kick arse dreams that have been trying to poke through the haze of drought and lack  and poverty.

Some of theses include reigniting my passion for my horses and riding and creating an experiential learning place so that people can come together with my herd and learn from them.  And racing my horses at sprint races across the country side and standing my stallions at stud, and selling a few off spring to wonderful loving homes.

Another dream is to pay back the bank our big over extended loan that has more 0's on it then I thought was possible.  This is going to need COURAGE to change the mindset around debt and making the necessary changes in how we do business as a family run grazing enterprise.  It is going to need COURAGE to have all the tough conversations with family members and other services involved with our overall runnings.  It is going to need change for the better of our family, business, property and cattle.

I am going to need COURAGE to step up and stop hiding under my rock.  My life purpose is Spiritual Teacher in The Spotlight and that requires me to be doing spotlight things like teaching and talking in front of audiences, as well as writing and competing with my horses.

This is my Courage poster with a reminder of some of the things that I am going to need to bring to my Courage party.


Have you got a word you can use to help you through the year?  A reminder of who you would like to be, do or have more of for your year?  If you do I would love for you to leave a comment below.

Have a great day with many blessed hoof prints